Monday, December 15, 2008

Ohio County Must Lay Off Sheriffs : Sheriff's office laying off up to 23 deputies

DAYTON: As the county tries to find $2 million in budget cuts, the sheriff's office in Dayton is preparing to lay off anywhere from five to 23 deputies.

Chief Deputy Mike Nolan in the Montgomery County sheriff's office said the cuts will take effect Jan. 1.

With the recession squeezing tax revenues, communities around Ohio are slashing jobs and services, and first responders are finding they're not immune from cutbacks.

Columbus and Toledo are looking at hiring no new police officers or firefighters to replace those who are retiring.

The cost of implementing the Federal Adam Walsh Act (SORNA) laws in Ohio in 2009 is:
18.6 million dollars.

In exchange for implementing these sex offender registration laws before the 2009 deadline, Ohio will receive $622,383 (the 10% of Byrne Funding). This is the reason for states like Ohio for rushing to enact these laws. The federal government is blackmailing states by threatening the loss of the 10% Byrne funds if they fail to enact these laws by July 2009. In return, states will spend at least 30 times more to enforce the laws (Ohio will spend $18.6 million in order to avoid the $622,383 funding loss). And the result ?... laying off sheriffs is only the beginning. And this all is making our state safer?? Great work, guys !

See the statistics for yourself at