Monday, December 15, 2008

Feds Cut State Funding for SORNA

Maryland Department of Legislative Services (PDF file): 2008 Fiscal and Policy Note

State action necessary for compliance with SORNA (including statutory changes) is not entirely clear. Failure to comply with SORNA puts a state at risk to lose 10% of Byrne grants, which all of the states use to pay for such things as drug task forces, anti-gang units, police overtime, and
other law enforcement activities. But funding for this formula grant program in fiscal
2009 has been cut from its $520 million fiscal 2008 appropriation level to zero and
replaced with a $200 competitive grant program. While it is unclear how this change will
affect the penalty provisions of SORNA, Maryland could risk the loss of between zero
and about $200,000 for noncompliance.

But, Maryland would spend $9,112,724 to implement these laws. See statistics.